


There's Been Something L've Been Thinking About A Lot Lately.
it's something you won't learn in your economics class at university. it's something that can make or break your career. 

It's about how to turn anger into something highly essential for your progress in work and in life.

Now let me tell you why i'm uniquely qualified to talk about this for one l've studied economics in combination with another subject for the past four years so I know that side.

 And l've also had the pleasure to be working full time during all that time in the.

Real business world
I'm talking about talking to investors founding my own startup. And really fulfilling a vision that's in your head so you could say I have learned to love both sides.

It started when I was 15 years old I always wanted to be my own boss and have my own startup so naturally I started looking up books that were about entrepreneurship I started buying up all the books that the people that the students used  in the first semester I was about 17 and I read every on of these books. 

I highlighted every word not only because my English was not strong enough and I had to look up every word, but also because it was very interesting and new to me .

So after every book I was hoping to find an idea that I could work on myself,  but sadly that moment never came, and I was wondering if reading all these books was actually the right way to go about this. 

I started looking elsewhere for answers I started reading fortune and Forbes magazine. I was hoping for some in-depth interviews with some personalities like Marissa Mayer Sheryl Sandberg.

 I was looking for people to look up to and yeah these magazines did a great job in doing that I understood why these amazing personalities would move their business in one direction instead of the other, but still it didn't quite motivate me to get off that damm couch and stop watching Netflix you know how difficult that can be.

My sister picked up on my mood

She literally picked me up from that sofa I was like aiyah we need to go shopping just to get you mind of things so you do something else and just reading books and magazines at home all alone. It's like oky  guys that was her best idea yet.

let me tell you a little story on why🤔

Went to a sneaker shop and the guy would show us automatically to the women's section we were looking for some cool sneakers with crazy patterns and bright colors and  what we would encounter in that women's section. 

maybe you know it's not what we were looking for these shoes kind of boring kind of basic I mean you see what kind of shoes.

 I like not what I wanted and we thought we were at the wrong store as our eyes glanced over to the other side and I was like ooh this is what l've been looking for, but the guy said oh oh no that's the man's section no need to go there really.

I was like why like we don't have you size like why would you not have my size like I mean these shoes they're just not feminine enough they don't suit girls or women and they don't ask for it women just don't wear these needless to say I felt offended how dare you make stylistic choices for me first second it doesn't make any sense for me that a business would exclude 50% of potential customers from buying their products.

 so as I became more furious outraged and disappointed because I found out that they wouldn't sell the right sizes my sizes in their online stores or at any other shoe store for that fact I was like like here this cannot be you want to find my shoes and I become more angry and angry and let me tell you what this moment showed me that being pissed off was actually the best thing that happened to me, because then and there I realized i had a business idea. 

What if the world just needed a skateboarding brand or a sneaker brand for women that would cater to all these people who wanted bright colors in their shoes and crazy patterns just like I saw in the men's section I know that this was an idea where I know what needs to be done and I couldn't believe it this was actually a real business idea.

 where I felt motivated enough to just go out so this emotion gave me something that the books couldn't give me that the magazines couldn't give me and that all these professors and teachers who talked about entrepreneurship couldn't teach me it finally gave me the kick of  that damm couch
It was the anger that led me to coding my own solutions for the problems.

I asked myself questions?

How can I make money off of something, but that question later changed into what pissed me off today and how can I make something or how can I make sure that I'm not pissed pissed of tomorrow about the same thing obviously. 

Maybe the question you need to ask yourself is what pissed me off and what can I do about it yeah thanks so much 

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